Friday, September 5, 2008

Random Stuff - I'm feeling random...

So I got on Facebook because my new client/manager person is on there. WOW, thats sort of strange, huh? I am connecting with work people through it though, not old friends... Well, I do have two cousins on there, but thats OK.

I found a Coach purse I want because I have nothing better to do than want things that are outrageously expensive and not any more useful than something 1/10 of the cost. Oh, well, you cannot blame me for this, I am just a girl. (Signature Zoe bag in Black...)

Jenni and I are looking at a potential wedding venue next week. I have only been thinking about checking this place out since July... nothing major causing the delay, just a lot of procrastination and Makati stole Jenni away from me!

I am starting to actually perform my new job and its exciting and stimulating and now its just time to figure out how to work my butt off to be successful at it so that I can pay for this wedding and maybe a Coach bag and maybe a honeymoon!


Michael Havrda said...

If you start making those fancy bonus things, I can easily see a Coach bag in your future! And maybe you'll have enough left over to get me something (wink wink).

Shannon said...

Yes, right after the wedding, school and my new kitchen, bathroom and floors are paid for!