Monday, December 15, 2008

Long time, no post!

Well, I have finished school for the quarter and it kicked my butt. I didnt start Christmas shopping until a few weeks ago, then I got inundated inquiries about the wedding. I know I should have been working harder on the wedding planning, but life happens! Michael's injury is healing well, but it was so stressful to have all of this going on at once!

We have picked the location, we are hammering out details - like the time, caterer, etc. Jace's birthday is coming up in just a few days, so we have a birthday party for him and also a birthday dinner for Michael (big old 25!) Jenni, Laurel and I are going to the Bridal Expo in Seattle in January. Michael is also doing a 50K "fitness test" on January 10th. I still love the concept of a 50K fitness test...

So now, the wedding is set for 5-16-09 and I need to get around to finding a dress... The fun never ends.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

No adventure for you, not yours!

Its probably better that we scratch the plans for an adventure on short notice... I think its probably best that my sinuses heal up from this sinus infection and that I get some R&R with Michael. With Michael in school too, I miss him more and I spend a lot of time aimlessly surfing the net and doing homework for classes next week (yes, I am ahead, if you can believe that!)

I am starting to think about Christmas (this year will require more saving and frugalness because we are both in school!) Right now, it sounds like Zach will deploy and hopefully he will afford a plane ticket for Mom to Seattle if she cant afford it herself. I guess I could work miracles and keep bonusing at work so that I can fly her here too. Or I could just hide under a rock and pretend like it doesnt matter. I miss having my family here.

I am enjoying school and I find it somewhat challenging and equally rewarding. I am also looking forward to the end of the quarter, already. I am just so ready to be done working on my degree. I know I am going to be much more marketable and hopefully can get a few more $$ and maybe a new car of my choosing... I would really like to redo the kitchen.

Still no new info on the wedding, I keep meaning to do something about that but Jenni is heading to Makati on Sunday for two weeks, then its Aaliya's birthday, then Thanksgiving is coming and then finals, Jace and Michael and Anna's birthdays and Christmas, then school starts again and then Ryan and my birthdays, pretty soon May 16th will come and go. I am having elopement thoughts again because I dont have the desire to dress shop, scout locations, talk to caterers and deal with any family issues and no one but me seems to care about a wedding, so why bother? (I think Laurel cares too, she at least hears me when I talk about it...)

Monday, September 29, 2008

Adventure time?

It might just be time for a new adventure... Michael wants to run the Wonderland Trail that goes all the way around Mt. Rainier. According to Scott, it needs to be done ASAP - this weekend or next - to avoid snow... Not that its all the physically demanding for me, I would just be the crew (the only crew?!) but how mentally exhausting! 27+ hours in a car, waiting for the boys (right now, two guys other than Michael are thinking this is a good idea too... maybe 1 more...) and driving and waiting and driving and waiting. Maybe we need to get the deal that can allow my laptop to run off the car, but then again, I still wont have the internet or cell signal.

I am happy to help, I am just wondering what on Earth I could do with myself for that long. I guess I could get a couple of Rachel Gibson books and bring the computer and my school work...

It appears that I could intersect the runners at 7 places, I might be lucky enough to get my own fancy pants sleeping bag to keep me warm and my own headlamp... and oh, how I love planning stuff, list making, organizing and having a funny story to tell after the fact. This definitely would be fun. If I bring the laptop, I could chronical the entire adventure.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sick before School Starts!

I am home on the couch for the second day in a row. I started to feel like crap last Tuesday, but I was in a training class with Jenni and I couldnt bum out of it. I stuck it out for all 2.5 days (Wed-Fri) and I even found the energy to go to the Cross Country meet to watch Michael race. Finally, yesterday, I went to the doctor and was running a 100.2 fever after taking two Tylenol almost 2 hours earlier. I have a sinus infection, I am on antibiotics and I am coughing a lung out. Senna and Louie have been loving and have taken good care of me.

I start school at UWB tomorrow... I have class at 3:30 tomorrow until 8pm. I have Managerial Economics and Management of Organizations and I am excited and nervous and a little overwhelmed because I havent slept well in over a week from this sinus infection and I have a lot of work to catch up on tomorrow when I return to work. I am totally mentally out of it and I am really exhausted still. Fingers crossed that I am OK tomorrow.

Michael is also starting school tonight! He will have class Tues-Thurs, while I will have class Mon & Wed. Such is life, we'll miss each other, but at least puppy bears wont be alone as much as if we were both going to school Mon and Wed or Tues and Thurs.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Random Stuff - I'm feeling random...

So I got on Facebook because my new client/manager person is on there. WOW, thats sort of strange, huh? I am connecting with work people through it though, not old friends... Well, I do have two cousins on there, but thats OK.

I found a Coach purse I want because I have nothing better to do than want things that are outrageously expensive and not any more useful than something 1/10 of the cost. Oh, well, you cannot blame me for this, I am just a girl. (Signature Zoe bag in Black...)

Jenni and I are looking at a potential wedding venue next week. I have only been thinking about checking this place out since July... nothing major causing the delay, just a lot of procrastination and Makati stole Jenni away from me!

I am starting to actually perform my new job and its exciting and stimulating and now its just time to figure out how to work my butt off to be successful at it so that I can pay for this wedding and maybe a Coach bag and maybe a honeymoon!

Saturday, August 30, 2008


Finally, right?

So Mike and I left for Crystal Mountain Resort early Friday before the race and seriously, I have never been to a cuter hotel in my life. I know, I have been to Leavenworth and what could be cuter, but seriously, this was it. Quiant. Scenic. Tiny! When I walked into this room, I couldnt help but laugh. To our right was a sofa, behind the door was the sink, behind the sink was our bathroom - shower and toilet, next to the sofa was an end table, then an armoire, then a folding chair (folded) and the window. About 12 inches from the armoire is the foot of the full size bed and 1 night stand. Yep. No room for the second night stand... It was so tiny. Lovely room though. Lacked a TV, but oh well, it was really nice. The restaurant at the hotel was lovely, and wow, you are in a valley between these GIANT mountains. Skiiers love it, obviously, but there is no snow, so the place is pretty dead.

Fast forward - Pasta dinner - we eat with Chandler, he is pretty cool, has a sense of humor I can appreciate. Then after wondering around and reading in the room while Michael wonders around, we run into Allen and his girlfriend Tonya. We chat a while and then I am all for the chocolate cake. We ran into someone Mikey knows from Sunday SRC runs and meet his friend from PA who needs a ride to the start/finish. We agree to meet him in front of the hotel early the next AM and head to bed.

So now Mike, Adam and I are heading the start/finish area and it is packed! We run into John Berta who asks me to take his second water bottle and give it to him later, this race was well organized, lots of aid station and the weather was not unbearable at 6am so he didnt need to double fist. I also find a lone spectator named Jessica who is there supporting her friend Tom. I offer to let her ride with me to the next aid station at Camp Sheppard, which is a few miles down the road and then to the Corral Pass Aid Station - which I had been to on the training run, but was crew - not advised. She came along and I was grateful for the company because Chris wouldnt be joining me until Buck Creek at mile 27.

I am happy to fill Jessica in on the fun part of this kind of spectating, you actually have a role, she would soon see! I cheer Michael Sanders, Brian Morrison and a few other runners that I am familiar with in the lead pack and then Mike and I make the water bottle exchange at Camp Sheppard and I also make an exchange with John Berta... We wait for Tom and he just blows by us, it is only mile 3.whatever at that point. They havent even found the hard part yet.

Jessica and I haul up to Corral Pass and I am telling her on the way up that this is supposed to be a very scenic area and wouldnt you know, we got up so fast, we actually adventured out of the aid station (no runners had come in yet) and we do indeed find that this is quite possibly the most gorgeous place in the entire area! What an unbelievable few of Mt. Rainier on a perfect sunny morning. I am also telling Jessica about the pictures that Glen takes of the runners when we round a hill on the trail to run right into Glen! Weird luck. We turn around because we have heard that runners should be coming through very soon. I have all of my Mike-gear in the stuff sacks and I am waiting and waiting. I again trade bottles with John Berta and finally he comes out of the trees and into the aid station - asking for his other water bottle strap. What the heck? Double fisting was so not in the plan! The other water bottle strap is in the freaking car a good 500 yards down the road. I start to run and when I am running back from the car (very winded) he is walking toward me. JERK! I didnt run so you could follow me, I ran to get you back on the course ASAP! He tells me he needed a minute with me, the climb up to Corral Pass was not pleasant for him. This gave me a little bit of cause for concern and when he left, no only was I upset that I didnt have the stuff he needed when he wanted it, but that he was not having the race he wanted to have and I wasted some of his valuable time... I got emotional, so silly and so embarassing, but I pulled myself together in time to see Chandler, Owen, Allen, Gwen and Tom come through and help them get on their way... It was very good to actually see them, help them and get back down to Buck Creek.

Chris was waiting at Buck Creek and we headed to the aid station, much to my dismay, John Berta made it through that aid station without trading bottles with me... I felt back and I was pissed at myself that I didnt get there in time to get him his fresh bottle. Its taking forever and ever for Michael to come through and when he finally does, he seems to have found his groove again and my concern about his rhythm and pace were abated. Soon Chandler came through and decided to call it a day because his knee was giving him hell. I felt really bad :( soon again, Owen and Allen came through and then Tom, who was hopped up on something hilarious he was just so full of energy! We headed to the next aidstation, which was right before the Skookum Flats, we would not have access to the Sun Top aid station under the threat that our runner could be DQ'd for even going up the road... I completely understand.

We were there waiting and waiting and finally we see the lead pack coming down. John Berta was right up in the front of the pack, he ended up taking 6th! What a great showing! Its taking forever and ever for Michael to come down and finally, he is fully charged and moving. I am so proud and we hurry back to the Buck Creek Start/Finish area because I will not miss his finish... Jessica will wait for Tom because she now has Tom's car.

Mike took forever covering the Skookum Flats and I am now pacing and stressing because he is not meeting his time goal and he is not going to be happy, but thanks to Chris and Devin, we have already determined that Mike is just setting his PR-establishing the bar to meet and beat next time. Finally, he rolls in at 8:44, I didnt cry like I did before, but there he is, finishing his first 50 miler! Soon after, Allen comes through and I am happy to see him too - he and Chandler are tied for my second favorite runners and he tells me "After the aid station, I realized I forgot to thank you, then at the next aid station, I forgot to thank you again, so THANK YOU!" And I got a hug. I am such a sucker for hugs. Thanks, Allen, made my day!

So Mike's next race is the "Return to the Scene of the Crime" - his first Ultra was Cle Elum Ridge 50K last year... and this year we are going back. Chandler and Allen will be there too and if they need me, I will be at the aid stations waiting for them. (Of course, there is only two at Cle Elum Ridge that I can access... but I will be there!) Yay for almost 5 weeks later, still having the recollection to do a review. I promise, Mike, Cle Elum Ridge will be reviewed sooner...


Oh yes, school update time! Job has kept me occupied, so this is a lot of information!

I received an A- in Marathon Math class, so very pleased with myself, I did it without crying or screaming or tequila.

I received word through my email that I was accepted to UWB and that their records showed I had not paid my $100 enrollment fee. Congratulations, you owe us money! So I had to get into orientation, prove that I am not a dirty carrier of Measles (Thank you Minneapolis Public Schools for having those records, lifesavers, thats what you are!) and I am not registered for classes!

I am so very excited and relieved and anxious at the same time. I need to figure out how to keep on taking care of everything around the homestead, the Michael, the Louie (the Senna is my PIC - Partner in Crime - so she will probably just take care of me!) I have already sought advice on the preparing of meals on Sundays and not cooking during the week too much because I am just not sure how much time and dedication I will need for these two classes. If I need the same dedication as Marathon Math class, then I might just prepare a month of dinners on one Sunday! Jeebus, Bobby and Cindy, I hope its not like that class!

I am really excited about the challenge and I am up to it now. I am ready to finished my BA, get on with my life and really launch a great career. Plus, this school is so small, so appropriate for me and my style and I think I am in the right place to pursue this.

Next up, BBQ on Labor Day, Cle Elum Ridge 50K for Mikey in two weeks and yay, Chandler and Allen are running there too. Lots of fun. Chris's mom will be in town next week... I love other people's moms. Then on September 24th, SCHOOL! I havent gotten my Huskies sweatshirt or flag for my desk (must rival Greg) but I am getting there... I have to pace myself! Michael's brother also wants to go to Apple Cup, I might not be ready for that much Husky Pride... Erin might be the person for that job!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Got the New Job!

So it was my goal to find a job that didnt could get me moving on the cold and rainy days, that could entice me out of puppy snuggling mornings and get me to work. At first, it was like, well if I am going to go to school and take on this new challenge, I probably should keep everything the same until I figure out how that is all working. Then I got excited about a new opportunity at my current employer, working with the same client company, but everything else would be different. Now thats a change I could comfortably make with the school changes and other life changes I am trying to make. I took the leap without much thought or anxiety. I know that I am leaving my old position in capable hands, I will still take my other expertise with me and be able to use it, but I will also get to learn and grow. Stimulating and still flexible! Just like I wanted!

Still no word on school, but I did finish that marathon math class I took this summer, waiting on the grade... fingers crossed!

Thursday, July 24, 2008

White River Weekend

Its time for the main event of the Race Season... in this corner, Michael Havrda hailing from Kenmore, Wa, weighing in at some pounds, he is a long distance, down hill specialist with a passion for Gu, Nuun and single track running and in this corner, White River 50, hailing from Crystal Mt., Wa weighing in at a hefty 50 miles round trip with grueling down hills and rolling, rambling up hills that will try to defeat your spirit. [Picture this in a Bruce Buffer voice...]

It is time, less than 48 hours from now Michael will be off and running at White River. He is excited for pizza. Yes. Most excited for PIZZA. I am excited for the race, I am excited to pack around his stuff and keep him moving at aid stations. I am excited to have Chris join me halfway through the race. I am super jazzed about the event and I will provide my detailed account again after the race.

Good Luck Michael!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Sunburn = Die of Cancer?!

So yeah, I got sunburned at the second White River preview run and it was totally my fault and it was pretty fierce. My forehead is STILL red... my arms, still red. I bought some SPF 30 sunscreen for my face and SPF 50 spray for the real deal coming up in less than a week. Every sunburn brings me closer to having some dermatologist hole punching moles and freckles out of my body for byopsy and I want none of that, I have seen Zach's scar and I prefer myself unscarred.

Every thing is settled for WR50 in less than 10 days! I have confirmed doggy-bear boarding and I have Friday off so that we can get moving at our own leisurely pace the day before the race. I have also forbidden Michael from taking me to school on Thursday night. I am still saying he cant come on Tuesday but he is arguing... I will see how well we are doing with getting to bed on time on the non-school nights before I sneak out of the house and drive myself to school. :)

Our usually school night tradition is that I will go to Business Calculus Marathon on Tues-Thurs (6-9:45pm) and Michael will hit Cougar Mountain to keep himself from getting bored at St. Edwards. Then he can also go to the gym. I dont get out of class early, expect maybe 15 minutes, so Michael and I dont get into bed until probably 10:30 or later. Usually later because I forget to take my iron and cant lay down (what is that about anyway?!) I am very excited about White River, I have new letters to add to my Team-Havrda shirt, including adding my name to the back... I got the letters on discount at Hancock fabric, yay, cheap stuff!

Thursday, July 10, 2008

University of WA - Bothell

So, its time. I have finished my application and I am waiting to find out if I will be accepted into the University of Washington - Bothell. I am taking my last pre-req at Bellevue Community College and I am trying my hardest to keep my momentum. I cant say for sure if the new medical stuff will work or if I just dont care if it doesnt! I am fighting my butt off to go forward with life so that I can do something to care for me and my life rather than function at the barely functional level of half dead I feel like I have been.

Mike's brother and Sister in Law, Ryan and Laurel (with Baby Jace), will be in WA permanently in a few weeks and I am supposed to be planning my wedding. Its not my time to lay down and die, I am going to keep up my fight. Come hell or high water I am going to finish school.

My reason for finishing school is Mikey. I want nothing more than to finish school, get a better, higher paying job so that Mike can get on with school, take care of himself, run and not worry so much about balancing all of his pressing priorities. I want set an example for Jace, my brother, my [future] children, whoever else wonders how you can fight through chronic illness to make something better out of your life.

I am really tired today but I am tired of being tired, I am ready for something else other than dog tired...

Monday, July 7, 2008

Peanut Butter & Honey Sammiches on a Mtn!

Happy Fourth of July! I am late, but oh, well!

My 4th was uneventful, I did laundry, tried to sleep while stupid people shot off dumb fireworks. On Saturday I went with Michael to Mt. Si so that he could run up and down it. Its as enjoyable as you would think, except I sleep, which makes it quite wonderful! That area of town is nice though and its an OK drive. We didnt leave as early as we would have liked, so the trail was pretty crowded.

On Sunday, Michael and I went down to the White River race course where Seattle Running Company was holding a course preview run. I was the only person other than the race director from SRC (Scott) who was not running. I followed Scott around like a lost puppy, because the alternative was sleeping or reading. After we went to meet the runners to make sure they made it onto the course, we drove back to Greenwater and then up to Suntop to where Scott was setting up the aid station. The road was a bit bumpy but I had a really great time driving up it... I am beginning to like driving the Toaster on the Forrest Roads. We drove into the mist, which is always interesting.

Scott offered to let me make 15 peanut butter and honey sammiches for the aid station and I happily accepted because yes, I am that kind of person. Once the runners started arriving I tried to help them - fill their bottles, get them running in the right direction, etc. Michael came along close-ish to the front of the back, dirty with skinned up thighs... he apparently "superman'd" while running. He was pretty okay, just a bit sore.

After seeing most everyone come through the aid station, I went back to the start/finish area and waited for Michael. I saw Brian Morrison finish, so I started mixing Michael's after-race drink and I waited for him at the end of the trail. Its a funny thing, runners, they seem to find it beneficial to sit in freezing cold water, so Brian and a few others disappeared to the river, which is fed by glaciers, to soak out the soreness. When Michael arrived, Brian had finished and suggested Michael head down to soak himself... We wondered that way and Michael settled in for 5 minutes. I didnt walk down to the river to spend 5 minutes there, so I told him to say for 10. No sense wasting the effort to get there!

I had a great time. I like to spend time with Michael that way because he loves to run and I like to take care of him.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Five Years - Still Just as Happy! (Maybe More!)

Yesterday was the 5 year annivesary of the first time that Michael and I met. We are happy and in love and getting our lives moving in the right direction together. We werent off track before - just doing the twenty-something thing of enjoying life and we werent balancing everything equally like we are now. We have overcome great obstacles in our lives to find happiness together and our strength, love and loyalty to each other is only growing stronger.

Michael and I have found so much happiness and comfort in each other and we genuinely support one another in our interests and our trials. I take great joy in being the Crew Chief while he is running and I am very happy to take care of his needs as he records mile after mile. I also get a rush from trying to make sure I am always on top of his needs, that I am fully prepared so that his "pit stops" at the aid stations are seamless. I am a "planner" by nature and so is Michael, we could drive each other crazy with the list making and double checking, but since its an affliction we both share, its okay.

Yesterday, I made pasta and we played soccer. I am feeling it in my left leg today, but its okay, a little Advil and I will be just fine. We are 38 days from White River 50 Miler (WR50) and so we are abstaining from fast food and eating out, partially because I have a quarter of tuition to pay (yes, I have one more pre-requisite before going to UWB, sucks!) and we have to get a hotel room and board puppy-steins over night and the other may reason is because we must keep on the health eating track to make sure that Michael is as fueled and ready to go as possible on July 26th!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Results are in: Nothing's Better!

I saw the doc, my iron counts are lower and the B12 is too. I changed iron supplements now and I am going to get more injections of B12. This wasnt a surprise for me and I am not upset about it. I do have to go for a sleep study to figure out if the anemia is only part of my deep desire to sleep all the time. Doc also suggested I may have some other stuff going on too, that we will explore if the sleep study comes back fine. I go for a consultation for the sleep study at the end of the month, then I will schedule my slumber party at the sleep clinic!

I hear they put things on your head that muck up your hair. I'd like to pass for that reason alone, but I would also like to not have Restless Leg Syndrome (doc mentioned this specifically) - what a silly disorder and I have mocked the commercials since the medications came out... If I have sleep apnea, it wouldnt shock me, I am sure my dad has it, his snoring is intense! I will also probably follow up with the Ear, Nose & Throat doctor because my nose doesnt seem to be working like it should (I did have 50% of my septum removed in 2005 or 2006 because it was severely deviated and I had a good deal of my turbinates reduced.)

I am still trying to get better, its just not as easy as it seemed it would be. Also - I am trying to force myself out of the rut of sleeping and more sleeping. Mike and I went hiking with Chris and holy moly did it blow. The hiking was great, but my body really didnt not like the 8 miles or the up and down. It hurt going up and it hurt going down and I hurt for days after. I would do it again. It felt good to be out and about. More about that later...

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Blood Test Done, Sammich Nirvana Found

YAY. I finished the blood testing on Friday of last week. I took a half day, so that I wouldnt have to go back to work after the stupid test and so I could take my time doing whatever (rather than rushing back to work) and I really wanted Chipotle. I got everything done at the doctor's by 10:30am and I made a quick stop at the Eye Center for a new contact order. Done. Too bad my allergies have been so bad this week that I am wearing my glasses. Thank you for Systane eye drops.

I stopped at Whole Foods in Bellevue too because you can never have too many bags of frozen Alvarado St. Wheat Bagels (at least in Michael's mind) and I was unsuccessful in achieve the covenanted bagels. Oh well, I tried. I also successfully avoided the Mighty-O temptations in the bakery (I did not however avoid the little cream cheese cherry thinger. Baby steps.)

I was heading out back to Kenmore, when I was invited to join Michael for lunch (I was really wanting Chipotle - I still am!) I was tempted decline, but he was offering what was suppose to be an amazing Cuban Pulled Pork Sandwich. I accepted, went home to change - it had gotten a bit hot - and head over. Sammich Nirvana was never more amazing. I walked .8 of a mile to Paseo with Michael and his coworker, Jim, in the hot sun, after having done a fasting blood draw (not eating for 12 hours, just to have blood taken out of you!) I was beat. I wanted to quit. Then I smelled it. Heaven! It was 9 inches of crusty hoagie roll, topped with melt in your mouth pulled pork, with garlic mayo, Cilantro, lettuce, etc. I would have walked a lot farther (just on a different day) to get that sammich. Heck. I want one now!

Doctor's appointment is next week. Lucky me. Its not going to be good news!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Being the Crew Chief

So, I am the crew chief for Michael's running. I am the only crew member as of now, and I am pretty much unnecessary because he could do all this without me! But its a fun time, I recommend that everyone join the fun and chase after Michael when he runs. On the 26th of April, I chased Michael around the Capitol Forest at the Capitol Peaks 55K. I was pretty pleased that all of my tremendous efforts were realized. Driving to Olympia at 3am. Braiding my hair in cute little pig tails. Driving like a bat outta hell on logging roads. Getting the Toaster dirty, very, very dirty Toaster. Taking the sticky Gu trash out of Michael's pockets and replacing it with more Gu. Spilling Ultragen on Michael's chair. Spilling my yogurt on the ground while mixing Ultragen. Yep. I worked my butt off that day (and I spilled a lot!).

Oh, and Michael finished running 34+ miles in 4 hrs and 50 mins to take 2nd Place. Tiny details, I tell you. I was very proud of him and I am very sure that he could have done just as well without my crew-chiefing. I wouldnt miss it though. Michael is chasing his dreams and I am chasing him!

This Saturday is The North Face 50K in Bellingham. We will see Sponge and Steph while we are there (and they are kind enough to host us for the night!)

Next Friday, I go back to the doctor for more blood tests, I can tell though that nothing is really changed, but I am going to see a different doctor when the results come in and who knows? Maybe s/he will have some better ideas about how to get me better! Wish me luck!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Week of April 20th

So, this week is going to be a good one.

Michael's race season starts on Saturday with the Capitol Peaks 55K in the Olympia/Tumwater area. He is super ready for this race, he hasn't raced since Cle Elum Ridge 50K in September. He is ready to go. I have never seen him this ready for anything in his life and we have started to prepare for everything related to the race. I picked up ditty bags in a funky green color for his drop bags. He has actually started to fill them and label them for the race. We have his water and a cooler ready for his food/water for before and after the race. We are planning to leave home at 3am and driving to Olympia, so that we dont have to board pups over night.

Other great news: Steve's band is playing Studio Seven on April 24th as the headliners, the tickets actually say "Hextrip" and guests. Call me crazy, but I am thinking that I will be going (Michael needs his sleep and he has class that night). Then I will get up and go to work and come home and sleep!

Also in the AWESOME category is the fact that Zach just joined a unit that was deployed to Korea for several months and he is tentatively scheduled to go back to Korea with this unit in 18 months. This means we wont have to change our wedding day! Yay for 5/16/09. It also means that Zach and my mom with both come to Seattle for Christmas. I havent seen them for Christmas since 2001. I am a freak about Christmas and I am so excited because this is the first time anyone from my side of the family will visit Seattle. My mom will also be in time to help decide on some wedding details (or at least see some of the plans first hand.)

Thursday, April 17, 2008

What I am getting started!

So, you have found my blog! This is my first blog, so I thought I would introduce myself.
My fiance, Michael, and I live in Kenmore, north of Seattle. We have been together for 4.5 years, engaged since December. 2007 was a really hard year for me, I have had a stint of bad health issues, bad medical news, work stress and the stress of purchasing our condo. I am ready to get past all of that in 2008, because 2007 ended well, after our engagement, hosting our first holiday in our first home and Michael starting back to school.
Michael and I have decided that we would like to have a Spring wedding because so much excitement already happens for our families in the Winter (when I wanted to get married originally). We got engaged on December 8, Michael and his grandma share a birthday, his nephew was born the day after, Christmas, my aunt's birthday is on Christmas, Michael's parents' anniversary and New Years all happens in December and Michael's brother and I have January birthdays. Thats pretty much the maximum we can fit into our social calendar for the Winter ;)
I am also looking for a better job, something hopefully that will have opportunities for advancement. I am going back to school, possibly this summer, but definitely by the fall. I have about 90 more credits to earn before I finish my business admin degree. I have started the application process for the University of Washington - Bothell.
Michael has lots of exciting races coming in 2008, including his first 50mile race.