Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Sick before School Starts!

I am home on the couch for the second day in a row. I started to feel like crap last Tuesday, but I was in a training class with Jenni and I couldnt bum out of it. I stuck it out for all 2.5 days (Wed-Fri) and I even found the energy to go to the Cross Country meet to watch Michael race. Finally, yesterday, I went to the doctor and was running a 100.2 fever after taking two Tylenol almost 2 hours earlier. I have a sinus infection, I am on antibiotics and I am coughing a lung out. Senna and Louie have been loving and have taken good care of me.

I start school at UWB tomorrow... I have class at 3:30 tomorrow until 8pm. I have Managerial Economics and Management of Organizations and I am excited and nervous and a little overwhelmed because I havent slept well in over a week from this sinus infection and I have a lot of work to catch up on tomorrow when I return to work. I am totally mentally out of it and I am really exhausted still. Fingers crossed that I am OK tomorrow.

Michael is also starting school tonight! He will have class Tues-Thurs, while I will have class Mon & Wed. Such is life, we'll miss each other, but at least puppy bears wont be alone as much as if we were both going to school Mon and Wed or Tues and Thurs.

1 comment:

Michael Havrda said...

Don't be nervous, you'll do great in your classes. You always excel at everything you put your mind to!

Hopefully you'll feel better soon and get some rest so you can rock it.

Thanks for cheering me on at Sundodger!