Monday, March 23, 2009

Sad, lonely blog never gets updated...

I guess its been darn near forever since I have updated this... so here goes: Finished my second quarter at UWB. This one was harder than the last one, I didnt expect it to be easier, but wow. I start back again with E-Marketing and Finance next Tuesday, and I keep telling myself 2 down, 9 to go (quarters that is...)
I have my wedding dress, my invitations and everyone on my side of the family has made travel arrangements, except my dad, who I am not sure will come. This is sad for me, but its not unexpected, he has to do his own thing. I am getting healthier, with the help of medications and doctors... I am hoping that month by month, I will get healthier and healthier until ta-da, I am normal. Unfortunately, I have no idea what normal is or how to know that I am "normal".
My job is going well, I like it still... I like my team, I like my program manager, I like what I am doing for the most part... I still want to finish school and get the heck out of the dialing business. I guess this is the issue: I have been in the business of executing for so long, I want to get into the business of orchestrating, creating, developing now. I want to delegate to people who will do the executing!
I am excited that race season has started. Chuckanut 50K happened this weekend and Michael ran exceptionally well. I was very proud of him. I am always proud of him. I am happy to see the other runner people and I am excited that Michael's hard work is paying off so far.

1 comment:

Michael Havrda said...

I'm glad you updated your blog! I'm going to demand more frequent updates. By the way, it'd be pretty cool to have business cards that said "Shannon Koosmann, Executioner".